By following these fire prevention methods, you can limit exposure and minimize your risk of fire-related problems.
Commercial kitchens can be very hazardous, particularly if employees need to follow proper safety procedures. Even though knife injuries can be the most prevalent concern, fire represents the most significant potential liability for a restaurant. Fire damage destroys valuable equipment, ruins food, and might require months of downtime to repair. By following these fire prevention methods, you can limit exposure and minimize your risk of fire-related problems.
Adequate Working Systems
A conventional fire extinguisher functions just fine for minor, non-grease fires; however, you must have a Type K fire extinguisher near the fryer or grill to help combat cooking oil fires. Additionally, the government mandates an overhead fire suppression system to prevent kitchen fires. Make sure to drill your team on the proper fire prevention procedures for the best results.
Complete Fire System Inspections
Your restaurant’s fire suppression system is essential to its security. The last thing you want is to discover that it is not functioning as intended when you attempt to engage it to stop a fire in the kitchen. For this reason, you should contact Judd Fire Protection for fire system inspections at least twice a year.
Judd Fire Protection has an excellent reputation for providing timely and reputable work throughout Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Westminster, and Baltimore, MD. We inspect fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers. Call our fire protection company at 410-871-3480 for more information!
Clean the Vent Hood and Grease Trap
Grease is the most significant fire danger in a commercial kitchen, and the vent hood is where it collects grease. The high temperatures and distance to fire increase the risk that the grease will ignite. If you serve many fried foods or utilize your grill for most food orders, you must clean the vent at least quarterly, though monthly cleanings may be recommended. Unfortunately, food and other debris in the grease traps are risky when exposed to hot oil. A fire prevention method would be to clean grease traps throughout the shift and thoroughly clean them with your vent hood.
Maintain a Clean Kitchen
Another fire prevention method is keeping the kitchen clean at all times. Preventing fires in your restaurant takes dedication to cleanliness. Work with your vent hood and fire inspection contractors to schedule automatically recurring appointments, so you don’t have to worry about scheduling an appointment again.
Create a Fire Safety Plan
Above all, you should have a commercial kitchen fire safety plan to keep your commercial kitchen safe from fire. Work with your workers to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities in your restaurant.
Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480.