Fire safety is crucial for people of all ages, but making sure that older adults are safe is vital.
Baby boomers are becoming older. Aging is inevitable, and fire safety is crucial for people of all ages, but making sure that older adults are safe is vital. The body naturally breaks down during the aging process, meaning that sometimes older adults need to take certain medications. Some medications impair older adults from safely walking down the steps. Limited mobility or disabilities also makes it harder to escape during a fire emergency quickly. Living in a home or senior citizen building with multiple stories makes it difficult to reach safety. Unfortunately, a lot of fire-related deaths happen to those who are 85 and older. Keep reading to discover some tips on how to take care of the older adults in your life when it comes to fire safety.
Make Sure That Smoke Alarms Are Accurately Working
While fire can cause first, second, or third-degree burns, smoke is what kills people. You need to make sure that your smoke detector is loud enough so that anyone can hear it regardless of where they are in the home. Older adults who rely on a hearing aid need strobe alarms. Strobe alarms shake the bed so that elderly people can detect that there is an emergency. Make sure to test your smoke alarms every month to make sure they are working correctly.
Be Mindful of Cigarettes
Cigarettes are unhealthy overall and a significant fire hazard. Remind any smokers in your life not to smoke on the bed. There are ashtrays out on the market that are deep enough to catch cigarette debris so that it doesn’t accidentally fall on a rug and catch fire. Oxygen tanks are also flammable, so it’s best not to smoke near them.
Have an Escape Plan
You should practice a quick escape plan regularly, regardless of age. You don’t want your loved ones unprepared. In the case of an older adult with dementia, there should always be someone around to help them get out of the house. Alert neighbors and local authorities if someone is living in your home with conditions that impair them mentally or physically.
Place Daily Items Strategically
If an older person uses a cane, walker, wheelchair to move around, then these items should always be accessible. If your residence isn’t wheelchair accessible, have a ramp installed ASAP or make sure that people with limited mobility sleep on the first floor. If anyone in your home wears glasses and cannot see without them, these should also be in close reach. Phones should always be in range as well when it’s time to call 911.
Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience in designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480 or contact us online. For more fire safety tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.