How do you know if your commercial fire sprinkler system will work properly?
Would you instead leave your business without protection from fire emergencies or have a commercial building with a well-maintained fire sprinkler system? A fire suppression system can reduce the damage to your company’s property due to fire. More importantly, it can save many lives.
For example, fire sprinklers are one of the best ways to control fire damage in a home or business because they can also prevent the spread of fire. In contrast, fire extinguishers or smoke alarms put the burden on the people in a building to evacuate themselves alive. So, how do you know if your commercial fire sprinkler system will work properly?
Reasons for Failing Fire Sprinkler Systems
Numerous residences and companies depend on fire sprinkler systems to function correctly. Sometimes these systems fail, and it’s essential to know why. When some fire sprinkler systems fail, the typical causes include damaged sprinklers, poor system design, and lack of proper maintenance. The good news is that you could simply avoid most of these problems by regularly inspecting your commercial fire sprinkler system. Moreover, commercial fire sprinklers can even control fires in the most flammable areas.
Monthly Fire Sprinkler System Inspections
A monthly fire sprinkler system inspection should determine the following:
- Accessible valves are labeled correctly and have no leaks.
- Wet gauges have the correct water pressure and operate well.
- Dry gauges demonstrate standard water pressure and report the same pressure on the dry pipe valve and quick-opening device.
Quarterly Fire Sprinkler System Inspections
A quarterly commercial fire sprinkler system inspection must include the following:
- Check the supervisory alarm and water flow alarm for any damages.
- Determine accessibility for fire department connections.
- Confirm all fire department connections have no leaks.
- Verify pressure-reducing valves, ensure the lack of leaks, and maintain pressure.
Yearly Fire Sprinkler System Inspections
Besides those mentioned above, a yearly commercial fire sprinkler system inspection must include a professional review by a certified inspector for documentation. Additionally, every commercial property owner is responsible for correctly maintaining their fire sprinkler systems for the safety of others and property protection.
At Judd Fire Protection, expert installation of your fire sprinkler system is the first step to ensuring the safety of others and your property.
Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480.
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