Commercial building fires are dangerous, but some are avoidable.
Commercial building fires are avoidable. There are many reasons that a commercial building fire could start, but today we’re going to focus on the top causes. Our job is to advocate for fire safety not just within a home, but in commercial spaces as well. Read on to learn more.
#1 Cause: Cooking
Each year, cooking remains at the top of the list for the cause of both commercial fires and residential fires. Sometimes the fires stem from human error, and sometimes it’s due to faulty appliances. Because kitchens are a high-risk area, you should make a strong effort to minimize fire hazards. Alarms, fire sprinklers, and fire extinguishers that aren’t hard to reach are an absolute must, and we can help install these in your building.
#2 Cause: Arson
Arson within a commercial building is a scary concept. It means that someone has intentionally set a fire. These occurrences typically happen between the hours of 3 p.m.-12 a.m. Arson that occurs after regular working hours makes it difficult to stop, but there are things that you can do to make it harder for a fire to spread and cause more damage to your property. Make sure that your trashcans stay empty. If possible, keep dumpsters further away from the building. Keep the trees and shrubs on your property neat and trim. One, it’ll be harder to set them on fire. Two, an arsonist won’t have a cover while attempting to set a fire. Motion detection lights and sensors are super useful as well.
#3 Cause: Human Error/Unintentional Fires
Because these types of fires are unintentional, you should put employee fire safety training in place. Some examples include cigarettes not being discarded the right away, employees leaving heating devices too close to walls, or an employee overloading an extension cord. The best way to prevent these types of fires is too educate employees and make sure that your fire protection systems are up-to-date so that you, your employees, and your property stay safe. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a fire drill each month so that your employees feel confident in case of an emergency.
Residential and Commercial Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience in designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480 or contact us online. For more fire safety tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.