Let’s explore why it’s imperative to provide fire extinguishers to your tenants.
Fire extinguishers are a crucial fire safety tool that all buildings must have. Whether you own a residential or commercial building, it’s essential to have fire extinguishers on hand in the event of a fire. But what if your tenants don’t have fire extinguishers? How can you make sure your tenants are safe during a fire? Let’s explore why it’s imperative to provide fire extinguishers to your tenants.
How Come My Tenants Don’t Have Fire Extinguishers?
Whether a landlord should supply their tenants with a fire extinguisher depends on the regulations and laws where the building is. It also depends on the building’s type, like residential or commercial. Additionally, landlords might not have to supply each tenant with a fire extinguisher inside their apartment, but they most likely have to make these items available in the general areas of the building. Also, local fire regulations include detailed information on the types and number of fire extinguishers necessary in a facility and the placement of these products.
What Should I Do?
If your tenants don’t have a fire extinguisher in their unit, how should you provide fire extinguishers to your tenants? Here are several options:
- Provide fire extinguishers to your tenants. This way, your tenants will always have access to a fire extinguisher in case they need it. They also don’t have to worry about finding and purchasing one.
- Discuss the significance of fire extinguishers. You should emphasize the importance of having this fire safety tool in case of a fire. Additionally, your tenants might feel strongly about having a fire extinguisher once they hear the informative facts.
- Offer other fire safety options. You can also provide fire safety alternatives to your tenants, like fire safety information and helpful tips on maintaining the premises safe from fire.
Fire Safety for Property Owners, Managers, and Tenants
Furthermore, building owners are typically legally required to have a monitored fire system. This ensures you comply with local laws and protect your building and the tenants. As a building owner, you must also consult with a commercial fire protection company to determine what type of devices, fire alarms, sprinklers, and fire extinguishers you require and where to place them. Also, ensure an accessible fire extinguisher is on every floor, in the basement, and in the parking garage.
Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480