The scariest thing about the Halloween season is the potential fire hazards.
Now that fall is upon us, Halloween is right around the corner. It is a fun and exciting holiday filled with candy, costumes, and spooky decorations. But, it is important to remain safe during the autumn festivities. The scariest thing about the Halloween season is the potential fire hazards. Here are some fire protection tips to help you stay safe this Halloween.
Choose Costumes Carefully
Dressing up in costumes is a favorite Halloween pastime of children everywhere. Your child may want the coolest, trendiest costume this year, but do not compromise their safety for unsafe materials or design. It is a good idea to avoid costumes with long trailing fabric or materials that might easily catch on fire. Wear clothes under the costume as an extra layer of protection between the costume and skin in case it catches on fire. Be sure to check the labels of the outfit and accessories, like wigs or capes, to see if they are fire-resistant. You will find the CE mark if it meets safety standards. If the costume has a mask, make sure your child can easily see and breathe in it.
Decorate for Safety
Filling your home and yard with Halloween decorations is a delightful activity. Many people use candles, jack-o-lanterns, and lights to illuminate their homes. But, these lovely decorations are also colossal fire hazards. Instead, consider using battery-powered candles in your jack-o-lanterns. Just flip the switch, and they will provide realistic flickering light like an actual candle, but without the fire hazard. Glow sticks are also popular for creating a creepy glow in various colors. You can safely place several battery-operated candles or glow sticks around your home for the illumination you desire. Also, many decorations are made of paper or other flammable materials, like cornstalks and dried flowers. By keeping these flammable decorations away from heat sources, you can prevent unexpected fires.
Discuss Fire Safety with Your Children
Kids love Halloween, so it is important that you discuss with them the importance of fire safety during the holiday. Teach them how to stop, drop, and roll if your child’s costume or clothes catch fire. And, advise them to avoid jack-o-lanterns and other open flames to prevent any accidents. Explain the importance of not playing with candles or fires and what to do if a fire does start. It only takes a few minutes to remove potential fire hazards and talk to your family about fire safety. Have a happy Halloween, and be safe!
Commercial and Residential Fire Sprinklers from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480 or contact us online. For more fire safety tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.