Equipment like sprinklers, alarms, and fire extinguishers must be inspected regularly to ensure proper functioning.
Think back to the last time you had the fire protection system in your commercial building tested. How long ago was it? With all the responsibilities that come with owning a business, it’s easy to neglect fire safety inspections. However, regular system testing is crucial for proper fire protection. Equipment like sprinklers, alarms, and fire extinguishers must be inspected regularly to ensure proper functioning. Let’s go over the importance of having a professional inspect your fire protection system.
Saves Lives
A fire protection system that is malfunctioning is useless when it comes to putting out a fire. Getting your systems inspected regularly can help identify problems and repair them before a fire starts. Having a properly running system will suppress a fire and save lives in the long run.
Reduces Fire Hazards
The primary reason for fire inspections is to keep all building occupants safe from potential fire hazards. Regular inspection, testing, and maintenance make working and living environments safer, so your employees or residents are protected. Also, false alarms waste local fire department resources and can also put lives in danger. Prevent accidents and expensive fees by scheduling maintenance and testing of your fire protection systems.
Prevents Property Damage
If a fire breaks out, your building and property are at risk. Without a functional fire protection system, one tiny spark could cause your building to go up in smoke. Test your fire protection system using the recommended schedule to ensure everything is functioning correctly to reduce the risk of property damage.
Comply with Fire Codes
The National Fire Protection Association has standards for inspecting, testing, and maintaining fire protection systems. Additional regional and state codes may also apply to you. These requirements include how often fire protection systems must be inspected and what steps an inspector must take to ensure everything works as expected. The penalties for not compiling with fire codes include fines, building occupancy denial, and legal consequences. It is much easier to work with a fire protection company that can help you with fire code requirements with no additional effort on your part.
Reduced Insurance Costs
It is not uncommon for insurance companies to offer discounts or premium reductions for fire-protection systems that are properly installed, maintained, and professionally monitored. Following these procedures allows business owners to limit liability for any potential injuries suffered by occupants of their business. Additionally, the insurance company may reject your claim if you cannot prove that you completed regularly scheduled fire inspections.
Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480