Top Fire Prevention Practices for Retail Stores

judd fire protection fire prevention

Having an emergency plan is a significant element in fire prevention.

Reducing a possible fire risk at your business is a vital responsibility to help protect your employees, customers, and property. For business owners, fire damages may extend beyond physical repairs, signifying weeks or months of lost revenue while you restore your property. What steps can you complete to ensure a potential fire does not occur at your company? Follow these top fire prevention practices:

Inspect Any Possible Problem Areas

Numerous common hazards in any business or home are prone to a fire. Survey your company and inspect these possible problem areas as part of your fire prevention strategy:

  •  Maintain combustible objects away from space heaters or furnaces
  •  Ensure machines and equipment are neat and well-maintained
  • Properly store flammable items away in cabinets and ignition fire sources
  • Use one extension cord per power outlet
  • Assess appliance cords to replace broken connectors or cracked insulation
  • Allow air to circulate and prevent overheating by allowing room behind appliances

Make Sure Your Safety Equipment Functions

Every retailer must have functioning fire extinguishers as part of its fire prevention goals. It’s also imperative for your store to have smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, or fire alarms. Remember, a smoke detector only lasts 8 to 10 years. Additionally, search for a specialized fire suppression system if your company has substantial operations or equipment that may possibly overheat—especially flammable materials on site.

Signs of a Fire Extinguisher Replacement

Did you know fire extinguishers can last 5 to 15 years, even when no expiration date is listed? Extinguishers can eventually lose their pressure, so make sure to inspect the pressure gauge monthly to determine if they are functioning well.

  • The locking pin is unsealed or missing
  • The hose or nozzle is ripped, cracked, or jammed
  • The handle is missing or unsteady
  • Lastly, the inspection sticker or service record is missing

Prioritize Communication and Preparation with Your Team

Having an emergency plan is a significant element in fire prevention. Communicate fire safety procedures to your staff in the following ways:

  • Let your team know where they should go in case of an evacuation
  • Describe how you will alert your staff in case of an emergency – whistle, bell, voice communication, or horn?
  • Determine your evacuation plans to accommodate anyone with a disability, such as someone who has hearing loss or who uses a wheelchair
  • Train your employees on practicing your emergency plan
  • Remind your company to avoid storing anything on the stairways or near your fire escape routes

Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection

If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, call Judd Fire Protection at 410-871-3480.

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